Meet Rejane

Hey there, welcome to my corner of the web! It’s wonderful to have you here. I am thrilled about the opportunity to assist you in achieving your health and fitness goals. My passion lies in guiding my clients towards becoming the individuals they aspire to be, supporting them in making lasting lifestyle changes to embrace complete and healthy living.

At the time of writing, I am 63 years old. Life has presented its challenges, particularly eight years ago in my 50’s when I was diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis due to previously undetected Hip Dysplasia. This unexpected health hurdle provided me with a new perspective on the coping mechanisms required to navigate life’s obstacles, but hey, I bounced back with a new mindset, revamped workouts tailored for me, and a healthy diet, powering through two hip replacements in 2018 like a champ, overcoming this setback and continue training my clients in fitness and nutrition.

Fast forward to May 2019— a year after my initial Total Hip Replacement, and now nine months into my second surgery. Life is fantastic; I have regained my pre-osteo hips weight and almost back to my previous fitness just needing to focus more on strength levels and still not as limber as one would like to be. I even completed two small marathons of 5 klms each this year, using these both as goals to regain my fitness.

In June 2022, Just when I thought I had it all figured out, boom! Right foot reconstruction & fusion – a souvenir from years of dickie hips and countless ankle rolls.

I share these experiences because I refused to let them hinder me from living life to the fullest. In December 2023, I started a hiking journey with a local group, sparking my interest. The photos above depict recent adventures exploring Mt Field, the Tarn Shelf, conquering a mountain, and completing an eight-day trek from Alice Springs to Mt Sonder in July 2024. Each day challenged me to my core, but the sense of accomplishment was truly rewarding.

Don’t allow life’s obstacles to obstruct your path. Let me assist you in turning your goals into reality; I promise you won’t regret it, just like I haven’t.

I offer programs tailored to accommodate our busy modern lifestyles. Gone are the days of stretching ourselves thin between family obligations, full-time work, and personal time for health and wellness.

You might be wondering how my approach differs from your past experiences.

Unlike unsustainable nutrition and fitness plans that end in disappointment after a few weeks or months, my programs are designed to align with your lifestyle and schedule.

Whether in-person or online through a reliable platform, I have a plan that suits your needs.

My programs are not quick fixes; they equip you with the tools for sustainable weight loss and a healthy, fit body in the long run.

When embarking on a health journey, many seek immediate results, but consider how long it has been since you felt content with your body — whether in terms of appearance, weight, health, or strength. This transformation takes time, habit changes, perseverance, and above all, commitment to achieving your objectives. Be ready for the long haul.

Programs range from 6 weeks (repeatable or preparatory for longer programs) to 12 months, or starting with a 5 or 7-day “work with me” freebie to get you into the swing. You will receive full support through private Facebook groups, if part of a group or personal support if working alone with me.

My desire to be fit and healthy, coupled with the drive to share my knowledge with other women, fuelled my eagerness to learn and absorb as much as possible.

I am a fully certified Personal Trainer through Australian Fitness, Pilates instructor, GymStick Instructor, Cancer Exercise Specialist, Senior Fitness, Certified Weight Management Practitioner and hold a Fitness Nutritional Certification from Precision Nutrition. My specialisations include women’s nutrition and fitness, functional training, and working with the older population.

Don’t hesitate; your presence here indicates your readiness for change. Take the first step towards a healthier you waiting to emerge. Schedule your free consultation today; this conversation could be the transformation you seek, and I am here, prepared to assist. Let’s embark on this journey together – your healthier, happier self is just around the corner. Schedule your free consultation now and let’s get your own journey started.

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